Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bob-Kats on the Road 1-13-11

                                                                   RVing stresses Jo out

Holy cow what a day.  Good evening.  Nice KOA.  Finally realized people live in these places. Look like vacation 5th wheels, but people are gone all day until 6pm.  Hmm.

Went to nice Mexican restaurant,  talked to nice business man traveling as Bob used to do.  Kept forgetting he had already welcomed us maybe four times already, which was probably related to empty margarita glasses in front of him.  Except when he said it in a Texas booming voice it sounded like "WALKUM to TAXES!!!!")

This morning all well until we're about to leave - no cat. Tore this thing apart for an hour - looked in, under, around & over everything - nope.  Outside, in all the bins, bushes - no cat.  Finally decide to go as we knew she was inside. Got to the park exit -- maybe two minutes and she strolled out - all innocent Who me?
Decided to escape the trucks and Dallas and take back roads. Well ... Dunno about that. Some was nice -- saw longhorns and deer, but also saw a lot of little towns.  And nowhere to stop.  That is a real issue when you are 50 feet long. So lunch on the fly -- just like my old flight attendant days.

40 miles to Waco.

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