Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bob-Kats on the Road 1-10-11

Very good experience in Terre Haute. Very clean, nice people. After going to Wallie to get cat food (I thought YOU put it in).  Yes, we had THREE cans of Pam and NO cat food.  Jo was not amused with the Pam!  We had much needed happy hour and made dinner of meatballs & pasta.  I did remember the people's food.  Nice elf (man from KOA)  brought cookies for us. Very cold out but Queenie was warm & cozy. Jo happy kitty laying on red rug -- with a cat's comfort antennas, Jo has found where the heating duct runs under the floor.  Everyone sleepy. Earlynight.  Awoke to donkeys braying  -- they are camp pets,  guess --and cardinal singing. Has good breakfast with people who own KOA & couple who work there. Very nice people!  A challenge filling up!  Looked hard, but we did it (bob directing me just following orders).

First adventure RVing with a cat.  Stopped for lunch at rest stop and put the bedroom slide out so we could get to binoculars. Decided to let Jo out. Haven't seen her since. We looked everywhere. Finally found small hole under the bed. She's gotta be there. Dunno.  Rolling on.

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